Isaac Physics
Isaac Physics is a project designed to offer support and physics problem solving to teachers and students from Year 7 through to university.
The best way to improve your grade in your final exams is to practice as many questions as possible so you become confident with the underlying physics. It takes time but if you continue to practise you will master it!
There is a website that has thousands of questions for you to answer online. You can create a free account so you can record your progress (and even share this with your teachers).
It is a project run by the University of Cambridge and supported by the Ogden Trust with the aim of developing the problem solving ability of students from GCSE to A Level (and beyond).
Isaac Physics - Essential A Level Game Boards
Springs in Series and Parallel
Stress, Strain and Young Modulus
Resistors in Series and Parallel
Specific Latent Heat and Capacity
Electric Fields Near Point Charges
Speed of Electron in an Electric Field
Force on a Conductor in a Magnetic Field
Force on a Particle in a Magnetic Field
Circular Paths of Particles in Magneti Fields
Magnetic Flux and Faraday's Law
Capacitors in Series and Parallel
Linking Concepts in Pre-University Physics
The Isaac Physics Linking Concepts book is great for motivated students who want to
really understand how different topics are related to one another.
Find out more on their website.